JS8Call 1.0.0 General Release

For those interested in this particular data mode, this new release might be of interest, details below.

“Hey Folks! This is not a test, this is not a joke, it’s actually happening. The public release of JS8Call version 1.0 is here! You’ll find all of the public releases (now and future version) of JS8Call downloadable from this page: http://files.js8call.com/latest.html

For those following along at home, there were a few fixes from RC3 to 1.0 GA. I also added in one last feature…a “Check for Updates” on startup (by default) so we all know when a new version is released. There’s a full changelog below. 

I want to thank all of the thousands of folks who have stuck around through the development of JS8Call. It has been a fun journey and there’s tons more to come! Stick around in the list if you want to have “early access” to any of the new features developed.”

GB2RS News

Beautiful day so later this afternoon why not finish it off by listening to GB2RS bought to you this evening by Mike GD6ICR at 18:30 on the GB3IM repeater network.

Advanced Exam

IOMARS is running an Advanced exam on Wednesday 10th April at 16:30 at the club shack in Ballasalla. Anyone wishing to take the exam please let Nigel GD6AFB know no later than Friday 5th April 2019.

Good luck to everyone that is sitting this final part of your qualification.

Bring and Buy Sale 12th March 2019

Dont forget the annual bring a buy sale at our Tromode site. A good chance to buy something new or offload something unused.

Starts at 19:30 12th March 2019 at the Sea Cadet Training Ship “TS Manxman” just off Tromode Road in Douglas.

Shack Night 30th January 2019

Gents Just a reminder its Shack night tonight with Richard GD8EXI running a testing and calibration night .I would like to remind prospective candidates that all application forms for the Advanced Exam have to be in by midnight 31/01/2019 and that tonight is the last club night before the deadline. So far we have 6 Candidates registered.
Nigel (GD6AFB)

Full licenses Exam to be held

IOMARS is pleased to be able to announce we will be conducting an Advanced License Exam on Sunday 17th February 2019 at the shack in Ballasalla at 14:00 hours . There is obviously a course running at present by Richard GD8EXI with a refresh on the Saturday and Sunday . The exam is open to all who have passed the intermediate and the costs are as follows. Members who have paid their subscritptions on or after the AGM in December 2018 £37.50 non members £47.50 to cover the cost of the hall. Application forms and payments must be received no later than the 30th January 2019 cheques should be made payable to IOMARS. Any issue get in touch with any member of the committee or drop down to the shack on Wednesday nights. Look forward to hearing a whole new bunch of A class licensees.

Bannaghtyn y Nollick / Seasonal Greetings

Christmas is here (nearly) and the final IOMARS Ballasalla meeting has just finished.
We won’t be meeting next Wednesday as it’s boxing day.
So see you all next year.

The next IOMARS meetings are, Wednesday 2nd January 2019 at Ballasalla or Tuesday 8th January 2019 at Tromode.

Lesh yeearreeyn share son y Nollick as y Vlein Noa
With best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

From your committee.