QSL Cards

Martyn Parnell, RSGB qsl manager for the Isle of Man, will be attending the IOMARS meeting on 14.08.2012 to distribute QSL cards.

GT4WAB – Worked all Britain ‘Follow the torch’ 02/06/2012

The dust has settled, we had 272 contacts as GT4WAB, lots of British ones plus Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Holland, Belgium, Slovenia, Italy , Latvia, Hungary, France, Finland, Sweden, and Russia.

The WAB group pass on their thanks to the IOMARS members for their efforts.

The team were (in no particular order)  Mike Rodgers – MD0BJM, Steve Kelly – GD7DUZ, Dave Cain – 2D0YLX, Jeanie Hill 2D0JEA, Alan Crowther – GD0MWL, Mike Webb – GD6ICR, Stuart Hill – GD0OUD, Peter Morgan – MD6IOM, Andy Morgan GD1MIP and the IOM Coastguard.



Amateur radio training & exams / Foundation / Intermediate

For information. The society plans to run training and exams in the comming months. If you or any person you know wants to do any of the exams tell them to get in touch ASAP.

In the meantime a Foundation candidate will need a copy of the course book ‘Foundation now’ at a cost of £4.99   (see RSGB web site http://www.rsgbshop.org/acatalog/Online_Catalogue_Training_19.html ) It is worth getting the book from the RSGB as they have just revised it and the ones for sale elsewhere are often old stock.

The below links will help too. The ham tests one is a set of mock exam questions and will help candidates know what they are getting themselves into.

 Email any questions etc to   GD1MIP(at)manx.net

Hope that covers it for now

Andy,  GD1MIP

Interested in 4m? try this Dutch based web SDR

From  Rob PE1ITR

The maxwell foundation has set up a 4m websdr receiver on University of Technology Eindhoven (JO21RK). Frequency range is about 70.150 to 70.250. The antenna is an 4 element yagi @ 65m agl direction south. The LX0FOUR beacon on 70.161 can be heard. This is a great tool to monitor Es propagation.
This is the link: http://lindsey.esrac.ele.tue.nl/
Select the 4m band in the window left just below the waterfall screen.
The freq readout has at the moment a +4,5 kHz offset but that will be corrected later.

Worked All Britain – Follow The (Olympic) Torch Award

The Worked all Britain (WAB) group have asked the IOMARS to run a station, callsign GT4WAB on Saturday 02nd June 2012. The WAB are running an award timed to coincide with the Olympic torches tour of the British Isles.

We will be active for the whole day as GT4WAB.

It is hoped to use the HF bands dependant on propagation, and maybe some higher frequencies.

We need volunteers to help out, both operators and those willing to ‘build’ the temporary station.

We will be based in the Coastguard station  at the shipyard in Ramsey. Help is needed to set up on the Friday evening (1st June) to run the station on the Saturday as we take over from the Bolton Wireless Club operating as GX4WAB through to handing over to the Glengormley E & ARS in Belfast (GN4WAB) at midnight on Saturday.  After that we plan to operate on Mad Sunday from the same location under our own Special Event Station callsign GB2MAD

please volunteer to the secretary  Andy Morgan

email GD1MIP(at)manx.net




Important – from RSGB – Olympics and 70cms.

CQ All
Ofcom have today announced an extra new draft Criminal Prosecution Regulations with Protection radii around event zones. See http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/undueinterference-olympics-2012/summary
It is imperative that all Radio Amateurs using 70cm Band are fully conversed with these new regulations. You are advised to download the “Full Print Version” and read these new regulations very carefully. We can expect zero tolerance of non-compliance from Ofcom and the Authorities during the Olympics.
Best Wishes
RSGB Region 12 DRM (Essex)