Full licenses Exam to be held

IOMARS is pleased to be able to announce we will be conducting an Advanced License Exam on Sunday 17th February 2019 at the shack in Ballasalla at 14:00 hours . There is obviously a course running at present by Richard GD8EXI with a refresh on the Saturday and Sunday . The exam is open to all who have passed the intermediate and the costs are as follows. Members who have paid their subscritptions on or after the AGM in December 2018 £37.50 non members £47.50 to cover the cost of the hall. Application forms and payments must be received no later than the 30th January 2019 cheques should be made payable to IOMARS. Any issue get in touch with any member of the committee or drop down to the shack on Wednesday nights. Look forward to hearing a whole new bunch of A class licensees.