EGM 14th March

1st March 2017

Dear IOMARS  Members

As per the letter sent to all club members dated 18th February 2017 (contents included below for convenience).

“All members are asked to volunteer and or nominate a committee member for either role as Secretary or treasurer by the 1st March 2017.

If there are more candidates than positions then an extra ordinary meeting will be called to be held on 14th March 2017 to elect a new Secretary and Treasurer.

If, by the 1st March 2017 the committee hasn’t received any nominations then the committee will appoint a new Secretary and Treasurer during its next meeting on the 6th March 2017”

The Committee has received only one volunteer for the position of Secretary and two Nominees for
Treasurer. The Nominees for Treasure are Andy Morgan and John Dowling.

No other nominations or volunteers for either post  have been received by the acting Secretary and or the Chairman.

As there are two volunteers for the  position of Treasurer,  the Committee, calls all IOMARS members to attend an EGM on the 14th March, prior to the bring and buy, for the purpose of voting in the new treasurer

As per the constitution “No other business may be transacted at the EGM.”, so as soon as voting for Treasurer is dispensed with, the EGM will be closed and the bring and buy can be opened for business!

The EGM will begin at 8:00 pm on Tuesday 14th March and only fully paid members will be eligible to vote.

Best Regards

IOMARS Committee

Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society

Facebook Page:
GT1IOM Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society GT3FLH