Michael Dunning GD0HYM Silent Key

We are sad to advise that Michael Dunning GD0HYM passed away in the early hours of this morning 26th November, he was a member of the society for a number of years and very well known as pioneer of cave diving among the diving community.

On behalf of the IOMARS I pass our condolences to Mike’s family and friends.


Presentation on the Need, design and construction of filters for the VHF and UHF bands.


Wednesday 6th December at the IOMARS Club Shack, Scout Hall, Mill Road, Ballasalla

Richard Baker, GD8EXI is to give a presentation on the Need, design and construction of filters for the VHF and UHF bands.

Richard is well known for his talents in building his own equipment including amplifers, filters and antennas for VHF, UHF and the bands above.

The presentation will be in two parts, including practical demonstrations.

All members welcome.


Matty MD0MAN




Another good night at the shack

Another good turnout at the shack tonight in Ballasalla – despite the bad weather – antenna building, BBC micro bits, SSB satellite reception with a scutch of Yeasu FT-817’s, and some good yarns. We’re hoping for a talk on filters in the near future from Richard GD8EXI, will keep you posted


The IOMARS annual general meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th December 2017.

At the Sea cadet hall, Tromode Road, Tromode.

Please arrive for a prompt 19:30 hours start (7:30 pm).

The agenda will include the election of the committee for the following year.

Refreshments, tea / coffee  will be served.

If you have any items for inclusion in the agenda, wish to nominate a person or offer yourself for election please contact the secretary John Bean  (email iomars@manx.net )

New ‘shack’ venue for Wednesday meetings

Dear IOMARS Members,

It has recently come to the Committee's attention that the building formally known as the "foxdale shack" in Lhoobs Road had become unsecure in that non members were permitted access to the building and our equipment outside of our control.

In order that the IOMARS equipment remained secure the committee took the decision to locate to alternative premises.

We have accepted an offer to use the Scout hall in Ballasalla for storage of equipment and for our weekly meeting each Wednesday from 7pm until not later than 10pm.

The committee invite you to attend the Scout Hall starting this Wednesday 8th November 2017 from 7pm. Limited on street parking is available outside the property. We would ask that those able to walk park in the public car park at the commissioners building.

Please note. The former shack on Lhoobs Road is no longer under the IOMARS control and is not covered by our insurance or that provided by the RSGB.
 The club's insurance will only apply at the new premises, which offer a kitchen, toilets, disabled access and larger meeting room which has already been registered with the RSGB as a training and examination venue.

We trust all members will welcome the improved venue and hope to see you there.

IOMARS Committee

The new shack is located in Mill Road, Ballasalla, near the roundabout where the A26 road meets the A7. 

ballasalla shack

JOTA – 21st October 2017

Email received from Andy & Izzy regarding the recent JOTA event at the TT Grandstand, I would also like to thank John GD0TFG, Stuart GD0OUD, Arthur GD3TNS and Rob Jefferies for their assistance.




IOMARS Members,

We would like to thank everyone from the IOMARS who put in so much
effort at the Scout Jamboree on the air on Saturday.

Over 140 scouts and scout leaders along with uncounted numbers of
parents visited the event during the day, and all the leaders have
remarked that their scouts really enjoyed their visit.

The range of activities that was available to the scouts was fantastic,
including Morse tuition/testing, kits to assemble, satellite stations
which gave those present two opportunities to listen to an astronaut
from the ISS, opportunities to send  “greetings messages”, an HF
station, A VHF station and last but not least John’s “Tension dependent
communication device” (two cups on a length of string).

We don’t have addresses for everyone who helped, so could my thanks be
passed on to everyone who worked so hard to make the day such a success,
despite the appalling weather.

Following the event, additional scout leaders have shown an interest in
assisting at future JOTAs.

Perhaps, after a suitable time to recover, we could start thinking about
next year? I know the scouts are already looking forward to it.

Thanks again,

Izzy                      Andy
MD6IZI               GD0AMD


2m Contest this Sunday

Message from John – GD0TFG:-

I am collecting the key to the gate at Cringle Great Park (just below Cronk ny Arrey Laa top of the Sloc) today for access to the old radar site for the PW 2M contest this coming Sunday. All are welcome, we will be putting up an antenna for SSB and one for FM as long as they do not interfere with each other. Bring a picnic (no fires, so no barbeques) weather looks good so come and play radio with like-minded people. The contest runs from 1000 BST to 1700 BST, come for part or all of the day!

TX Factor Episode 16 available

Our new team member Pete Sipple looks forward to Youngsters On The Air 2017 and chats to some key players at this summer’s UK event. Pete finds time to take an eager look at the new dual-band handie offering from Kenwood – the TH-D74E with D-STAR.

Bob chats to our friend Bob Inderbitzen from the ARRL about the League’s worldwide presence .

Mike investigates two clever devices from SOTAbeams that will help to improve the filtering of your FT-817 and check the efficiency of your HF antenna respectively.

TX Factor 16

GB2RS news from the Isle of Man

From RSGB website:-

Two new GB2RS readings

Two new GB2RS services start later today. At 6.30pm, Mike, GD6ICR will lead with a news reading via GB3IM on the Isle of Man. In Northern Ireland at 7.30pm, the news will be read on DMR via GB3OM, GB7LY, GB7UL and GB7HB. To be able to receive the news on DMR via these repeaters, users will have to programme a new Talk Group into their radios. This new service, the first of its kind in the UK, will be receivable via these repeaters on Slot2 TG8. We are grateful to Paul, MI1AIB for agreeing to begin this service and if anyone can assist Paul, please contact Philip Hosey, the Region 8 RSGB Manager, at rm8@rsgb.org.uk for further information