RTTY on Isle Of Man?

All the committee have the following request from Heather

“Hi, Please excuse my “cold calling” you, I got your email address from the IOMARS website. I have recently become keen on RTTY and have been trying to get the EU-RTTY award for contacting 50 EU entities. I have currently got 48 QSLed so I am sooooo close but am finding it very hard to work the smaller “countries” including, of course, Isle Of Man. Do you know of anyone on the Island who would be able to have a quick QSO with me on RTTY? Any leads would be greatly appreciated! Once again sorry for “cold calling”Kind Regards and 73Heather M0HMO “

I wonder if anyone is in a position to help Heather if so drop us an email and I will forward her contact details .



Announcement from Dave GD4HOZ the repeater keeper

We have been regularly linking with the FreeStar network for almost a month and it’s been a Marmite experience from what I can gather; some like it, some don’t.Personally, I approached it with caution and, in my conversations with the FreeStar admin who reached out to us, I made that known. However, I felt that we at least should give it a fair shot.After a number of conversations in various quarters, and seeing my fears of users de-camping to simplex frequencies being realised, I have come to the conclusion that we are better served with an “Opt-In” link to off-island networks.I have asked the FreeStar admin to change the connection schedule such that we are linked to the network overnight, between 10pm and 7am.Hopefully that will give the “night owls” someone to talk to and it will keep the local network clear during the day.Again, I draw your attention to the linking guidelines on the main website.[GD4HOZ]

APRS Update

As an update there are now 3 APRS receiving station based on the Island. Thanks to Matty Cunningham we now have one at Carnane MD0MAN-10, One at Glen Vine kindly hosted By Gavin Wilby 2D0PEY-10 and one in Ballasalla GD6AFB-10 hosted by Nigel Bazley. If you would like to host one or get involved please get in touch and we will be happy to help.

WSJT-X 2.1 RC5 released

WSJT-X 2.1 RC5, the first one to support JT4 contesting mode has now been released for download.

The home page for the software is here: https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx.html

Direct download for Windows: https://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/k1jt/wsjtx-2.1.0-rc5-win64.exe

Tarraco Triumphalis Award

Dear colleagues:

The Local Section in TARRAGONA of the UNION DE RADIOAFICIONADOS ESPAÑOLES (URE) and the RADIO CLUB DEL TARRAGONES, are pleased to organize the permanent award “TARRACO TRIUMPHALIS” in Latin, with the aim of boosting radio activity of our members and promoting knowledge of the historical heritage of Tarragona. WORLD HERITAGE SITE . We hope to inform your associates for their knowledge and to participate in this activity. For full details click here.



EA3BDE Diploma Manager.