JOTA – 21st October 2017

Email received from Andy & Izzy regarding the recent JOTA event at the TT Grandstand, I would also like to thank John GD0TFG, Stuart GD0OUD, Arthur GD3TNS and Rob Jefferies for their assistance.




IOMARS Members,

We would like to thank everyone from the IOMARS who put in so much
effort at the Scout Jamboree on the air on Saturday.

Over 140 scouts and scout leaders along with uncounted numbers of
parents visited the event during the day, and all the leaders have
remarked that their scouts really enjoyed their visit.

The range of activities that was available to the scouts was fantastic,
including Morse tuition/testing, kits to assemble, satellite stations
which gave those present two opportunities to listen to an astronaut
from the ISS, opportunities to send  “greetings messages”, an HF
station, A VHF station and last but not least John’s “Tension dependent
communication device” (two cups on a length of string).

We don’t have addresses for everyone who helped, so could my thanks be
passed on to everyone who worked so hard to make the day such a success,
despite the appalling weather.

Following the event, additional scout leaders have shown an interest in
assisting at future JOTAs.

Perhaps, after a suitable time to recover, we could start thinking about
next year? I know the scouts are already looking forward to it.

Thanks again,

Izzy                      Andy
MD6IZI               GD0AMD