Tromode Cadet Hall Car Park Manx Water, Douglas

Notice is nearby given that the postponed AGM will now be held on Tuesday the 8th of March at the Tromode Sea Cadet Hall. The AGM will commence at 19:30

NRSA Radio Rally

Norbreck Castle Exhibition Cemtre Queens Promenade, Blackpool, United Kingdom

Northern Amateur Radio societies Association Exhibition held at the Norbreck Castle Exhibition Centre, Blackpool for more information contact Dave Wilson on 01270 761 608

Talk at Tromode next Tuesday

On Tuesday 14th March at 19:30 at Tromode Sea Cadet Hall the Isle of Man Amateur Radio society will be given a talk on the Wreck of the British Brig

Talk on wreck of the HM Racehorse

Sea Cadets - Tromode

On Tuesday 14th March at Tromode Sea Cadet Hall the Isle of Man Amateur Radio society will be given a talk on the Wreck of the British naval ship, Brig

Coming up

A couple of events coming up - we were donated an oscilloscope (open to offers) so I thought to give an intro into use of same next Wednesday 19th July

Change to next week’s club night

Due to the Scouts entertaining a visiting Scout Group from across there will be no meeting at Ballasalla next Wednesday 2nd. We are proposing an aerial event at Neil's field

Talk by Brian King on the “Mary Rose”

Sea Cadets - Tromode

A date for your diary; Brian King will give another talk on his underwater exploits, this time on King Henry VIII's sunken battleship the "Mary Rose". This talk will take

IOMARS AGM 13th December in Ballasalla

Ballasalla Shack

Ladies and Gentlemen, A reminder that the AGM for the Society will be held at the Scout Hall, Mill Road, Ballasalla on Wednesday 13th December at 19:30. Minutes of the

Last IOMARS meeting of 2023

Ballasalla Shack

With the last club night this coming Wednesday mince pies, sausage rolls and maybe a wee drop of mulled wine will be on the menu. 73 to all and look

Change in GB2RS News Schedule

The GB2RS news team hereby announces a forthcoming alteration in the schedule for the Sunday news bulletin. Effective January 7th, 2024, the time slot for the bulletin will be adjusted