Ofcom licence review = Possible Changes to Callsigns and Regional Secondary Locators

Folks,  this is not meant as a scare mongering exercise, please read the below and follow the link. Its a consultation not a definite action, put your point of view accross via the forum both here and on the forum linked on the RSGB page below.

Ofcom have announced areas where they are considering improving the clarity of the current licence and changes to improve both their management of amateur licensing as well as progression through the licence structure.


Follow the link below and have a good read.



Andy  GD1MIP

GB3GD and GB3IM Audio Streams Available

You can now listen to your favourite repeaters (‘GD and ‘IM, that is) on the internet.

To access the streams visit ManxRepeaters and make your selection.

Alternatively, you can visit Broadcastify.com and choose from our streams or a range of others.

There are also a number of mobile Apps available which are compatible with the streams from Broadcastify. The service is free, as are most of the apps.

Please note that there is a significant delay, of about 35 seconds, in the streamed audio. We have no control over that.

If you have any questions, please contact the repeater keeper. Enjoy!


Foundation Licence Training Course & Exam August 2013

Get your foundation amateur radio licence.

We will be holding the course in late August 2013. Cost of the Foundation exam is £27.50 and those sitting it must bring photo ID (of themselves!) there is no cost for the training, it is provided free of all charge.

If you or someone (young or old) that you know would like to sit the paper or have some tuition please get in touch with our RSGB Registered tutor – Andy Morgan on 412711 email GD1MIP@manx.net as soon as possible.

The IOMARS is keen to promote and encourage the advancement of those interested in the hobby, so should you be interested in taking the first step towards speaking to other people around the world then this is an excellent opportunity to start in the world of Amateur Radio.

GB3GD – Update

Have a look at the Manx repeaters web site.

In a nutshell we have the new antenna fitted albeit in a temporary location.

Thanks to the repeater keeper Dave GD4HOZ  and the climbers / staff who have helped.

Home brew on the cheap. 2 radios to one mic / headset

I have been pondering switching one mic between two radios and I want to get rid of one mic in the shack..
I have two radios fitted with RJ45 8 pin mic plugs. But I am tight, a W2IHY unit doing this task costs £160 + etc there has to be a better (read cheaper way).

Searching the www for inspiration I found this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/200675826420? … 1497.l2649 it is sold as a network switch I thought / hoped it could be used as a basis for a mic / dual radio switch. All I’d have to add is speaker / head phone connection / switch. The unit cost £2 each. In theory………………… Either it’ll work or….. the smokes out so I ordered two. They are simple enough units marked A / B and IN, the push switches work opposite each other i.e. push one the other pops up.

What it looks like…. standard box…
original box b4

I decided to use one box to switch the mic between my two transceivers that are fitted with RJ45 mic plugs. For this task the network switch worked unmodified – simple.

Next was RX audio, I use a headset at times so also needed to switch the audio for that. I decided to remove the RJ45 sockets out of the second network switch box and graft in some 3.5 jack sockets, to do this I removed the track from each end of the PCB (1.5cm).
To allow for a second set of phones or a monitor speaker I put two jack sockets per switching side. I just need to make an end panel insert from modellers PVC card to go round the sockets to fill in the square RJ45 holes. I stuck the two boxes together (side by side) and I now have a 2 radio / 1 mic / headset switching arrangement for less than £8. OK its not quite W2IHY but it works and looks OK. Job done.

Inside standard box…
original box  inside B4

end result 1