Tuesday 14th July Tromode. Arduino.

For our monthly meeting we are glad to host a talk by Dan – GD0VIK on Arduino, those tiny computers people keep talking about and possible applications for their use in amateur radio.

Please arrive early for a 19:30 hours start.

The sea cadet Hall, Tromode Road.

For sale. Various GD4EIP


ICOM 726 no mic but in good working order  SOLD

Yeasu FT 840 with Mic and manual SOLD

MFJ 945E ATU unused  SOLD

Daiwa Power supply PS 304II SOLD

Micronta SWR/power meter  SOLD

Datong Automatic RF speech Processor SOLD

Kenwood MC-60 mic  SOLD

Heil Proset headphones with HC-6 mic SOLD



Contact Godfrey

66th Annual General meeting – Tuesday 09th December 2014

 Final reminder folks………

The Isle of Man amateur radio society 66th Annual General meeting is due to take place tonight, Tuesday 09th December 2014 at the Sea cadet hall, Tromode, Isle of Man.

Members are asked to attend at 19:30 hours for a commencement of the meeting at 20:00 hours.

Items to be entered onto the AGM agenda:- Election of committee and what 2015 holds for us all plus any other business.

Refreshments – Tea / coffee biscuits and a chip butty will be provided.

If you want to add to the agenda or say anything please contact any committee member or the secretary Andy Morgan (details on the main page).

Silent Key – Maurice Kelly, GD0JBL

It is with sadness that I report the passing on Wednesday 26th November 2014 of Maurice Kelly, GD0JBL of Ballasalla.

On behalf of the IOMARS I pass our condolences to Maurices family and friends for their loss.

The funeral will be on  Wednesday 3 December, at 1.15pm, St Andrew’s Church, Douglas.

Andy Morgan GD1MIP secretary

66th Annual General meeting – Tuesday 09th December 2014

The Isle of Man amateur radio society 66th Annual General meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 09th December 2014 at the Sea cadet hall, Tromode, Isle of Man.

Members are asked to attend at 19:30 hours for a commencement of the meeting at 20:00 hours.

Items to be entered onto the AGM agenda:- Election of committee and what 2015 holds for us all plus any other business.

Refreshments – Tea / coffee biscuits and a chip butty will be provided.

If you want to add to the agenda or say anything please contact any committee member or the secretary Andy Morgan (details on the main page).