IOMARS 68th Annual General Meeting.

Tuesday 13th December 2016 at the Sea cadet hall Tromode Road, Tromode. Please arrive early for a prompt start at 8pm.

Items listed for the agenda are….

1. Election of a committee.


If you want any matters to be included please contact the Secretary Andy Morgan by email




Foundation and Intermediate examinations Sunday 22nd May 2016


Congratulations to the successful candidates.

We await confirmation of the results by the examination authority.


For now the indicative results are…..

One person sat and passed the intermediate exam.
Eleven people sat the foundation exam, with eight passes.

We look forward to hearing some new callsigns on air soon.

If you were unsuccessful this time and want to resit the examination please get in touch.

Thanks to all the people who gave up two weekends of their time to assist in the course / exam. Thanks also to the Isle of Man Civil Defence for the support / venue.


Activity in the VHF and above world

Do you have VHF,  UHF or higher equipment?   There is activity on the higher frequencies. The below are time being used around the British Isles.

Monday’s….. 2m and 23cm and above.

Tuesday’s…..  UKAC competitions (different frequency each week see below links).

Wednesday’s…..  2m mid morning. 70cm evenings.

Thursday’s…..  23cm evenings.

Friday’s…..   2m evenings.

Sunday’s…..   70cm mornings.

See  and     for more information.

Ofcom has published a list of revoked callsigns…….

Seemingly revoked because the user has not renewed their licence.

On first glance two Manx calls are in it.

MD3MXQ – no idea?

MD3MXU – I think that was Julie from Agneash. I think they moved abroad to England.

MD3WKJ – J Kelly?

If you know them perhaps you could advise them.



Wanted KW items

I have just finished rebuilding a  KW2000 HF transceiver. 

If you hear of anyone selling a KW ATU/SWR or other matching unit can you put them in touch with me please?

Thanks Andy GD1MIP

Wanted / sell / exchange

I am looking for transverters for 2m and 70cm. Either to buy or trade.

I  have two four year old FT897D’s, with CW and SSB filters and a similar age FT817ND with an SSB filter and TXCO.

Please contact me if your interested in a sale / trade.


Tel 412 711 or email gd1mip(@)

The AGM is due. 08th December 2015

The 67th IOMARS annual general meeting will be held on Tuesday 08th December 2015.

At the Sea cadet hall, Tromode Road, Tromode.

Please arrive for a prompt 20:00 hours start.

The agenda will include the election of the committee for the following year.

Refreshments, tea / coffee and a chip butty will be served.

If you have any items for inclusion in the agenda, wish to nominate a person or offer yourself for election please contact the secretary Andy Morgan  (email  or telephone 412 711).

Island at war commemorations – Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd August 2015

The Royal British Legion has asked the society to join them in the Island at war commemorations over the weekend of Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd August 2015.

As in previous years they would like us to provide a ‘live on air’ demonstration station/s and an exhibition of older wireless equipment.

We need your help as radio operators and the loan of any interesting period equipment.

If you would like to get involved in any form please get in touch as soon as possible.

Contact Steve Kelly GD7DUZ 
email GD7DUZ(AT)   replace (AT)  with @
Telephone 07624  478 547