International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend.

This August sees the LOTA event for 2020. Covid has not stopped this from taking place, and as so we at the IOMARS are to make a presence here on the IOM.

The event runs over the weekend of 22nd and 23rd August 2020

Full details can be found here in regard to registering and the “rules and regs”:

The owners and residentsn of the Point of Ayre Lighthouse have very kindly given us permission to use the property for the duration of the event. There will be refreshments, toilet facilities, power and limited camping available on site for the weekend, to which the IOMARS commitee is hugely greatful.

If you will be attending please register your interest with Gavin (2D0PEY) on so we can have an ideas of numbers.

Safety is our primary consideration, and club activities must be safe for all. The land immediately surrounding the lighthouse grounds is owned by a private company and we do not have permission to setup equipment from that area. As the lighthouse grounds are a private dwelling we have to be mindful of the residents and any radio activity will be with their prior agreement.

Please do not attend the location without a prior invite. Remember as a club we have liability insurance, but in the event of any claim those involved would be required to show they had acted correctly.

To this end we are advising to where possible only use vertical antennas, or small beams for VHF/UHF, no top band fullwave dipoles please.