The start of the UK Six Metre Group Winter Marathon It’s not a contest, just an invitation to work as many people as possible on the 50MHz band using any mode the exchange is signal report plus locator
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
Advancing Amateur Radio On The Isle of Man
The ARRL RTTY Roundup. Using the 3.5 to 28MHz contest bands, the exchange is signal report and serial number, with US stations sending their State and Canadians their Province too
GB2RS news will be read by Nigel GD6AFB on the GB3IM repeater network followed by a net at approx 11:20
Due to Covid this has been postponed and replaced with A weekly net until further notice. The net is kindly hosted by Arthur GD3TNS
GB2RS news will be read by Gavin 2D0PEY on the GB3IM repeater network followed by a net at approx 11:20
Due to Covid this has been postponed and replaced with A weekly net until further notice. The net is kindly hosted by Arthur GD3TNS
GB2RS news will be read by Nigel GD6AFB on the GB3IM repeater network followed by a net at approx 11:20
Australia Day Operations are on the 160 to 10m contest bands, plus VHF and UHF, CW and phone. The exchange is signal report plus number of years licensed.
A net to replace the Club Meetings during the latest Covid issue. Hosted by Arthur GD3TNS on theGB3IM repeater network.
GB2RS news will be read by Gavin 2D0PEY on the GB3IM repeater network followed by a net at approx 11:20