RSGB starts its autumn Tonight @ 8 webinar series. Gavin Nesbitt, MM1BXF will give an introduction to meteor scatter communications. These free webinars are livestreamed on the RSGB YouTube channel and you can ask questions during the presentations via live chat.
The WAE DX SSB contest Using all the contest bands from 3.5 to 28MHz, the exchange is signal report and serial number. European stations work non-European stations only.
A list of CHOTA stations should be available at subject to Covid and permission form the Church in Ballasalla we are intending to run a station. We have decided not to proceed wit this due to the current covid situation on the Island and our desire not to put any members of the club …
the 48-hour CQ World Wide DX RTTY Contest .Using the contest bands between 3.5 and 28MHz, the exchange is signal report and Zone, which is 14 for the UK.
At the club Shack in Mill Road, Ballasalla, IM9 2EG for directions click the link below,-4.6338125,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x48638d7c6d36a705:0x1be1e390ba9d9821!8m2!3d54.0987269!4d-4.6316238
Oceania DX SSB contest Using the contest bands between 1.8 and 28MHz the exchange is signal report and serial number. There are multiple categories to enter and there are new trophies this year for female operators both in and outside Oceania
The Worked-All-Britain DX contest Entries to be with the contest manager by the 13thof October. There will be a multiplier point for every DXCC country worked as well as for each WAB square worked. Contacts can be made on the 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m bands.