
On the Air , United Kingdom

The 144MHz FT8 Activity Contest using FT8 only on the 2m band, the exchange is signal report and locator.


On the Air , United Kingdom

The ARRL 160m CW contest using CW only on the 160m band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. W and VE stations also send their ARRL or RAC section info.

IOMARS 80 meter net

On the Air , United Kingdom

IOMARS 80 meter net on 3.715 Mhz


On the Air , United Kingdom

The 144MHz AFS contest using all modes on the 2m band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.

GB2RS News and net

On the Air , United Kingdom

GB2RS news will be read by Nigel GD6AFB  on the GB3IM repeater network followed by a net at approx 11:20

IOMARS 80 Meter net part deux

On the Air , United Kingdom

The IOMARS 80 meter net part deux takes place on 3.715 Mhz

Tonight at 8

On The Web

Using the Pluto and Raspberry Pi 4 for Amateur TV and Narrowband use . Presentation given bu Noel Matthews G8GTZ Tonight @ 8 webinars are live-streamed for free on our YouTube channel and special BATC channel, allowing you to watch the presentations and ask questions online.


On the Air , United Kingdom

The 144MHz FM Activity Contest runs the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.


On the Air , United Kingdom

The all-mode 144Hz UK Activity Contest the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.


On the Air , United Kingdom

The all-mode 50MHz UK Activity Contest exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.


On the Air , United Kingdom

The ARRL 10m contest runs .Using CW and phone, the exchange is signal report and serial number, with US and Canadian stations also sending their State or Province code

IOMARS 80 meter net

On the Air , United Kingdom

IOMARS 80 meter net on 3.715 Mhz