On the Air , United KingdomThe IARU 432MHz to 245GHz exchange of signal report, serial number and locator
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
Advancing Amateur Radio On The Isle of Man
The IARU 432MHz to 245GHz exchange of signal report, serial number and locator
The 432MHz to 245GHz contest runs exchange of signal report, serial number and locator
The Worked-All-Britain DX contest Entries to be with the contest manager by the 13thof October. There will be a multiplier point for every DXCC country worked as well as for each WAB square worked. Contacts can be made on the 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m bands.
DX Contest runs using CW and SSB on the contest bands between 3.5 and 28MHz, the exchange is signal report and serial number.
IOMARS 80 meter net on 3.715 Mhz
GB2RS news will be read by Nigel GD6AFB on the GB3IM repeater network followed by a net at approx 11:20
The IOMARS 80 meter net part deux takes place on 3.715 Mhz
CW leg of the 80m Autumn Series the exchange is signal report and serial number.
144MHz FM Activity Contest the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.
The IRTS 80m Evening Counties contest using CW and SSB the exchange is signal report and serial number. Note that EI and GI operators also send their County code.
The all-mode UK Activity Contest the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator
The 144MHz FT8 Activity Contest the exchange is signal report and your 4-character locator