On the Air , United Kingdom144MHz FT8 Activity Contest the exchange is report and your 4-character locator.
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
Advancing Amateur Radio On The Isle of Man
144MHz FT8 Activity Contest the exchange is report and your 4-character locator.
It has been decided due to the rising Covid cases and increasing numbers being admitted to hospital that there will be no club meeting at the shack this week. Arthur GD3TNS has kindly agreed to be controller for a net on Wednesday night on the GB3IM repeater network commencing at 19:30. All are Welcome.
Machine Generated Modes contest using the 50 and 144MHz bands, the exchange is your report and 4-character locator.
IOMARS 80 meter net on 3.715 Mhz
GB2RS news will be read by Nigel GD6AFB on the GB3IM repeater network followed by a net at approx 11:20
The IOMARS 80 meter net part deux takes place on 3.715 Mhz
432MHz FM Activity Contest. The exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.
The all-mode 432MHz UK Activity Contest.The exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.
50MHz UK Activity Contest. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.
The first of the Worked All Europe DX contests of the year. This is the CW leg the exchange is signal report and serial number.
IOMARS 80 meter net on 3.715 Mhz
GB2RS news will be read by Gavin 2D0PEY on the GB3IM repeater network followed by a net at approx 11:20