On the Air , United KingdomCW leg of the 80m Autumn Series the exchange is signal report and serial number.
Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society
Advancing Amateur Radio On The Isle of Man
CW leg of the 80m Autumn Series the exchange is signal report and serial number.
As there is no shack meeting tonight John GD0TFG has kindly agreed to host a club net on the GB3IM repeater network at 19:30
The 50MHz UK Activity Contest using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.
The 70MHz UK Activity Contest takes place using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator
the 48-hour CQ World Wide DX RTTY Contest .Using the contest bands between 3.5 and 28MHz, the exchange is signal report and Zone, which is 14 for the UK.
The 70MHz Affiliated Clubs Contest using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.
GB2RS news will be read by Nigel GD6AFB on the GB3IM repeater network followed by a net at approx 11:20
The IRTS 70cm Counties contest using SSB and FM, the exchange is signal report and serial number. Note that EI and GI stations also give their County.
The IRTS 2m Counties Contest using SSB and FM, the exchange is signal report and serial number. Note that EI and GI stations also give their County.
The BARTG Sprint PSK63 contest the exchange is just the serial number.
The IOMARS 80 meter net part deux takes place on 3.715 Mhz
1.3GHz UK Activity Contest runs using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator.