Over the horizon on VHF and above. Wednesday 27th March

Richard GD8EXI is the Island's leading proponent of contests on 2M, 70cm and 1.3Ghz. Always scoring high in the results in RSGB contests, he is a fund of knowledge in optimising transmission and reception in these bands; even if contests are not your bag, there is a lot to be learned from Richard's many years

Reminder of Richard GD8EXI talk

Ballasalla Shack

A reminder that Wednesday week 27th March that doyen of VHF,UHF etc operation Richard GD8EXI will be giving an illustrated talk "Over the horizon on VHF and above" at the clubhouse at 7:30. Winner of numerous awards and triumphs in competitions, if anyone can get a signal over the horizon it's Richard, so not an

RSGB Regional Teams; a talk by Chris Wood GD6TWF

Ballasalla Shack

The April event is being given by Chris Wood GD6TWF, RSGB honorary Treasurer, with the theme of RSGB Regional Teams and their relevance to amateurs on the IOM and elsewhere. This to be followed by a 2-way link  with Ed O'Neill M0TZX editor of Radcom, so if there are any items that concern Manx amateurs

Talk by Brian King “Diving the Mary Rose”

It looks although some of the text of the event was lost. I am posting again. Many thanks again to Chris and Ed for the informative review of the RSGB and what it can do for us, and the history of Radcom. Details have been finalised for this months' event, "Diving on the Mary Rose"

Themed /P stations this year

Outdoor programme for radio stations With Spring upon us amateurs are emerging from their shacks into the sunlight, so let's enjoy the good weather and ham radio. There are some /P events which may be given consideration by club members now that TT is past. Tractor Show in Castletown this coming Saturday 15-16 June. John

Project evening

With TT now a fond memory, let's get practical and bring our favourite projects, antenna and radio, to our end of month event on Wednesday 26th June at the clubhouse. There is doubtless a wealth of projects out there which can illustrate the ingenuity of amateurs with their hobby. Look forward to seeing them.

Bring and show projects

Just a reminder about the bring and show projects tomorrow night at the clubhouse. Antennas, radios, useful gadgets etc. Maybe give ideas about future projects? Bring then along.

Lighthouses on the Air

Point of Ayre Lighthouse

Lighthouses on the Air. This annual event is coming up, over the weekend of 17th and 18th August. There are lighthouses signed up all over the world and it would be great to put the Isle of Man on the map. We have the use of the grounds of the Point of Ayre lighthouse thanks

The Wadley Loop and it’s inventor Dr Trevor Wadley

Talk at the Ballasalla clubhouse on 25th September 19:30 Dr Trevor Wadley and the drift-cancelling Wadley loop. The Wadley Loop was incorporated in numerous receivers by Racal, Realistic, Yaesu with its FRG- 7 and FRG-7000 and the locally made Barlow-Wadley manufactured in New Germany, Natal. Dr Wadley, born in 1920 of a family of 12

Morse Code

Ballasalla Shack

Morse Code Talk by Stuart GD0OUD 19:30 30th October 1st Malew Scout Building, Mill Road, Ballasalla IM9 2EG

Testing Night

Ballasalla Shack

I plan to bring the following test equipment along. • A Signal Hound SB44B spectrum analyzer which covers 1Hz to 4.4GHz complete with TG44A signal tracking generator. • A Signal Hound VSG25A vector signal generator. • Directional couplers good to 3GHz. • Peak reading Bird Thruline power meter with assorted slugs. • Fluke Multimeter. •

Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society Dinner


Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society Dinner at the Creg-ny-Baa Friday 29th November Please make a booking by e-mailing info@IOMARS.IM Menu can be found here: The Creg Ny Baa - Menus
