Visit to Harbours Division at the Sea Terminal

Sea Terminal

Jon GD0BFN has kindly arranged a visit to the Harbours Division at the Sea Terminal at 19:15 on Tuesday 10 th October. Due to limited space, we need to know how many people are planning to attend so we can plan the visit. Please advise John GD0TFG at if you plan to attend, preferably

IOMARS AGM 13th December in Ballasalla

Ballasalla Shack

Ladies and Gentlemen, A reminder that the AGM for the Society will be held at the Scout Hall, Mill Road, Ballasalla on Wednesday 13th December at 19:30. Minutes of the 2022 AGM and an agenda are in your email. Any and all suggestions as to how the Society will proceed in 2024, how best it

Last IOMARS meeting of 2023

Ballasalla Shack

With the last club night this coming Wednesday mince pies, sausage rolls and maybe a wee drop of mulled wine will be on the menu. 73 to all and look forward to seeing you there.   John GD0TFG

Change in GB2RS News Schedule

The GB2RS news team hereby announces a forthcoming alteration in the schedule for the Sunday news bulletin. Effective January 7th, 2024, the time slot for the bulletin will be adjusted from 11 AM to 4 PM. The format of the bulletin remains unchanged, retaining its existing structure and content. Notably, the assistance provided from the

IOMARS meetings restart on 10th January 2024

As we enjoy the Christmas festivities please be advised Club meetings restart at Ballasalla on Wednesday 10th January. Don't forget there are still competitions over the period!   best wishes from your Committee   Nollick Ghennal as Blein vie Noa errui.

Update to Testing evening January 31

Testing Night 31th Jan 2024 I plan to bring the following test equipment to the Malew Scout Hut on the evening of the 31th Jan. A Signal Hound SB44B spectrum analyzer which covers 1Hz to 4.4GHz complete with TG44A signal tracking generator. A signal Hound VSG25A vector signal generator. Directional couplers good to 3GHz. Peak

Testing evening with Richard GD8EXI

Ballasalla Shack

This month on the 31st January  Richard GD8EXI will bring his analytical equipment along to the shack for a testing evening so bring along anything that might do with a check; cables, equipment, aerials (with limitations, of course). 73 The Committee

70cm AFS contest 4th February

A team contest, fly the flag for the IOMARS, we have finished quite high previously; we need a minimum of 4 stations to count to towards the Club score. If more than 4 enter, then we can have a second team. Get the details from the RSGB VHF contest calendar. Runs from 0900 to 1300.

Bring and Buy at Ballasalla Wednesday February 28th

Our last Wednesday in the month schedule continues on February 28th with a bring and buy sale. Bring along your old junk and you may well find it to be someone else' would-be prize possession! That elusive bit of kit or component, maybe a starter radio for a newcomer to the hobby. The shack will

Over the horizon on VHF and above. Wednesday 27th March

Richard GD8EXI is the Island's leading proponent of contests on 2M, 70cm and 1.3Ghz. Always scoring high in the results in RSGB contests, he is a fund of knowledge in optimising transmission and reception in these bands; even if contests are not your bag, there is a lot to be learned from Richard's many years

Reminder of Richard GD8EXI talk

Ballasalla Shack

A reminder that Wednesday week 27th March that doyen of VHF,UHF etc operation Richard GD8EXI will be giving an illustrated talk "Over the horizon on VHF and above" at the clubhouse at 7:30. Winner of numerous awards and triumphs in competitions, if anyone can get a signal over the horizon it's Richard, so not an

RSGB Regional Teams; a talk by Chris Wood GD6TWF

Ballasalla Shack

The April event is being given by Chris Wood GD6TWF, RSGB honorary Treasurer, with the theme of RSGB Regional Teams and their relevance to amateurs on the IOM and elsewhere. This to be followed by a 2-way link  with Ed O'Neill M0TZX editor of Radcom, so if there are any items that concern Manx amateurs