After last nights meeting at the shack we will be running an exam only in 3 weeks time on 18/04/2018. Some have been doing the online course and as this has finished have requested the exam. Candidates need to pass the practical which we will be running with Club nights at the shack the next 2 wednesdays starting 04/04/2018. TO enable this under the new RSGB rules I need to get those interested registered by the 4th. To do this I need the attached application form completing and returning to me no later than 10:00 03/04/2018. The cost will be £37.5 and cheques should be made payable to IOMARS. This covers the exam, cost of the hall and membership of the IOMARS until the next AGM in December.You can drop forms and cheques to either 10 Hope Street , Douglas, IM1 1AQ or Newhaven, Mill Road, Ballasalla, IM9 2EG. (opposite the shack) If you have any questions or want to pay electronically please either email me or call 07624 475339.